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​You will love Trilingi  if  1)you forget the words you learn - app is focused on retention​

​2)your brain works worse - the app should envigorate it; you will grow new synapses​

​3) â€‹â€‹want to learn a specific marginal language yet there is a lack of material - in this case give as a high five in the form of 50 euro and a message what language it is you miss and we promise to deliver it within a month or we will give you 500 dollars ;)

4) you would like to enter the prestige society of us - polyglots or ever hyperglots​

5) you wanna learn but are lazy without time and energy- the app is a low treshold ​

6) you speak already 2 tongues and agree with me that it makes sense (more exact  
       and  confusion cancelling) to employ them both
in explaining of the 3rd tongue. ​​

8)​  you are a language gourmand, curious and promiscuous, interested in trying-on new languages like hats- different Trilingi editions are a way on how to taste the unknown​, while having an aesthetic experience of visiting an exhibition​

9) you wanna wake up into the soothing tones of Bach music (with some added value)

10) you tend to feel nervous about learning. The learning here is fully autonomous, there is no stress or a teacher-marking, embarrassment involved. A study showed the suggestopedic  learning is especially good for under-achievers making them average. 

LiborTechTrading                 ​Delivering innovative media & apps for language acquisition to make you speak ...​

                        T R I L I N G I

​Trilingi will be a suite of innovative educational apps for simultaneous multilingual acquisition available in the iOS and android app stores

It surely is innovative since in everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our product beautifully designed, simple to use, user friendly and based on a new paradigm. 

 A user is introduced into a relaxed state by suggestopedic music which opens the access to the long term memory. Then, with the music still in background they start to listen to the chosen lesson, where the content chunks are said in three languages, chunk by chunk. â€‹


Users have a lot of autonomy: they can change relative volumes between lesson and music as well as set delays for the lesson starts after music as well as set alarms and use the app as an alarm clock. The lesson's parallel transcripts are provided. Users can listen to the free lesson or buy following ones within the app (in-app purchase). Each language combination - triplet, corresponds to a certain app. There will be a suite of apps, each edition with a different triplet.

By function the app is a form of an mp3 alarm clock that plays 2 sounds simultaneously, where the user can adjust the relative volumes, set the alarms and read what is being said (visual feedback).



















Don't forget:

a language is a tool, it is here to let you to engage into a new community.

It is to share and belong not to attain perfection of or collect like badges.

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